Franz Johnston

Frank (Franz) Johnston – b. 19 June 1888 – d. 19 July 1949

artist associated with the Group of Seven

He exhibited with the Group in 1920, then in 1921 he left Toronto to act as Principal of the Winnipeg School of Art.  Johnston was enormously successful in the art world during his lifetime. Later in his life he lived and painted in the Wyebridge area of Simcoe County.

Huronia Museum has many works of art by Johnston as well as preliminary sketches and photographs that Franz Johnston used to prepare to complete major final works.

2 thoughts on “Franz Johnston

  1. Hello,
    I came to visit your beautiful museum this summer and I would like to know the title of one of Franz Johnston painting representing a rabaska with 5 people on a river that you own. Thank you for you help and your response.

    • Hello,

      I am so glad that you enjoyed the museum.

      I believe the painting you are referring to is called ON TO HUDSON’S BAY, 1947. It is a beautiful painting and we are very proud of our collection of Group of Seven works, especially Franz Johnston.

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